Monday, October 5, 2015

2005 how we forecast now

Since 1968, is located in the Institute for the future of science and Technology Center in Palo Alto, California (IFTF) began to help organizations prepare for the future. Every year, it is forecast over the next ten years, study what kind of changes in the world over the next ten years. Louis Vuitton (LV) iPhone 4 Case

We often use "ideas for the future" to learn about the Institute's work, but looking back at the past predictions about the future, is also important. So, IFTF forecasting what ten years ago? What becomes a reality, which is nonsense, which still requires our effort?

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IFTF 86-page 2005 predictions, some of which are surprisingly accurate. Report predicts the rise of urban computing, for example, people use mobile technology to detect pollution and crime situation. We've seen this technology based on app and the rise, this technology enables the user to remind communities or local governments potholes in the road, mobile air pollution sensor on the app can upload data to the public source.

Reports were also made to the terrible effects of climate change warning, this is not evident at the moment. 2005 report roughly similar to the report for the year 2015 are mentioned there will be more floods, heat waves, water and soil erosion, and more. IFTF research on climate change relative to other topics, less, but remember: the inconvenient truth about this public awareness on climate change film, was appeared in 2006. Of course, in comparison with 2005, we did not make much effort to improve climate.

IFTF has correctly predicted the so-called "collective intelligence" of tools such as social networking (then known as "social software"), the "blog" and photo blogs. Report predicts will rise with the social bookmarking services like Delicious, but this did not come true, Delicious is now struggling to survive. Instead, we now rely on social networks to recommend interesting websites and novels.

IFTF has some fairly accurate short-term forecast, such as the ubiquitous cell phones, smart phones, "wearable data" (we are talking about wearable technology, such as the fitness Tracker), sharing economy, made the rise of radio and television programmes, and so on. Louis Vuitton (LV) iPhone 4 Case

Many predict at an early stage of development, as to extreme conditions or development of persons with disabilities human exoskeletons, smart roads and highways, a holographic monitor () and embedded in the brain chips. Lucky is, schedule those things, such as restrictions on the Internet, which millions of people were killed and biochemical disaster, has not come to pass.

Some things are unpredictable. Reports that the flu pandemic could cause millions of deaths, it is perfectly reasonable for speculation. However, according to the case of Ebola virus, which "initially quite scary", but "subsided relatively quickly, and did not lead to large numbers of people killed".

Click here to view the full report.


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